Wedding editorial is not easy…You need to choose carefully location, discuss flowers, find the right model and dress and many other things. And if you plan to do it outside, weather should be good. At least a little….But the result might be something unique, something that has wov efect and you say that trhis is really pretty. It is cooperation between all vendors and venue, storry that tells more about your personality too.
We like something new, not traditional, so we decided to use different flowers, actually just greenery – olive branches and hop.
Hope you will enjoy it like we did! This is how we see dream…
Dream team:
Planning and coordsination by us
Photo – Stepan Vrzala
Flowers Inspirito
Plates Eterle
Gown, suit, veil – Nuance
Cutlery – NFCP
venue – chateau Ploskovice