• type of ceremony – symbolic, protestant
• available dates and times – anytime, 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
• capacity of the church is approx. 120 people
• length of the ceremony is around 30 min
• wedding ceremony is in English
Important note – wedding ceremonies at St. Nicholas church can be organised only for the members of Husitten church (at least one from the couple). All other couples must first have civil wedding ceremony either in their home country or at the Town Hall in Prague, after that they can receive blessing in this church.
The current St. Nicholas church, designed by Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer, was completed in 1735. It wasn’t until 1901, when the Krenn House was demolished that the Baroque façade was visible from the older square. The white façade is decorated with sculptures made by Antonin Braun. The marvellous interior of the church is inspired by the chapel of St. Louis-des-invalides in Paris. The delicate stucco decoration was executed by Bernardo Spinetti, the frescos were made by Peter Adam the Elder.
In 1781, after emperor Jozef II ordoned the closure of all monasteries without a social function, all decoration in the church was removed. From 1870 to 1914, the church was used by the Russian orthodox congregation. During the second World War, Czech army units were stationed in the church. During that period, artists, who otherwise would have had to go to the front, were set to work by a colonel to restore the church. After the war, the church was handed over to the Czech Hussite movement.
Virtual tour from the St. Nicholas Church