• wedding receptions for up to 200 people
• open bar available (unlimited consumption of house wine, beer and soft drinks)
• type of cuisine: upon wish (catering)
• rental fee is required – approx. 70.000 CZK (approx. 2.120 GBP / 2.590 EUR / 3.500 USD) + 21% VAT
The church Sacre Couer is located in the area of former convent and pension of the ladies of the Heart of Jesus close by to the church of the lord Jesus. Even the most exciting clients to that venue will be surprised by its historical beauty, during wedding receptions, exclusive dinner and social events held there.
The capacity for the served dinner is up to 120 people, for raut up to 200 people.
Read the story here:
Monica and Jesse – blogstorymonica-and-jesse/