• wedding receptions for up to 400 people
• open bar available (unlimited consumption of house wine, beer and soft drinks)
• type of cuisine: upon wish (catering)
• rental fee required, depending on the function room
The Neo – Renaissance building on the Namesti Miru square is Work of architect Ing. Antonin Turek. The building was finished during 15 months only and festively opened in November 10, 1894. It became the seat of many associations and corporations – Mestanska beseda (Citizen gathering), The Choir of Hlahol, Matice skolska (Association for education), Sokol Vinohrady (Association for physical training and education) and others.
In 1955 The Czechoslovak Railways gained this building, it was dilapidated. Reconstruction was completed in 1959 and a few years later the name of this building was changed to The Central Cultural house of the Railway Workers.
Majakovsky Hall – the most representative space of the building. The decoration includes also 18 busts of significant Czech personalities, number of rosets, amorets on balconies and others. The allegories on the ceiling are created by Adolf Liebscher. The chandeliers are most valuable artefacts from the end of 19th century. Up to 400 people.
Rais Hall – the classic example of neo-renaissance interior. It is designed as a theatre hall. Bogus arcades above with typical masks in style of antic theatre in upper part. The decoration is mostly in the shape of teeth. Up to 200 people.
Social Hall – former winter garden with glazed ceiling is decorated with three paintings of Otakar Nejedly from cyclus The Golden Prague. There are small heads in Art Nouveau style besides other decoration. Up to 200 people.