• type of ceremony – civil, church (protestant), symbolic
• civil wedding ceremonies are available on Fri and Sat, protestant ceremonies and symbolic weddings on request
• ceremony take place at the Mirror hall or in the French garden
• capacity of the ceremony hall is approx. 150 people
• length of the ceremony is around 25 min
• civil ceremony is in Czech, translated into English (or any other language), church or symbolic ceremony in any language
Dobris castle lies 40 km to the south-west of Prague in the midst of beautiful woodland scenery. Dobris is the town, from where the most famous Czech monarchs used to set out for hunting. It includes a well-known rococo chateau dating from 1745 -1765, which is surrounded by a trimmed French garden and an English park. This extensive chateau was built in the style of French architecture. Historic interiors are equipped with valuable furniture from the rococo and classic period. Representative rooms (a mirror hall with rich decorations, a library with family portraits, a new-Renaissance dining room, a stone bridge known as the Devil Bridge (“Certuv most”) based on a story is located in the park.