The Loučeň Chateau, where you can get from Prague by taking the highway in the direction to Mlada Boleslav (around hour driving), presents an ideal place to go if you are looking for romantic wedding, learn something new, see something romantic and have fun.
Explore the romantic Loučeň Chateau with its 11 labyrinths and mazes located in the large park of the chateau! You will be guided through the chateau by the duchess or her valet in costumes.
Wedding ceremony
Chateau Loucen offers a variety of wedding ceremonies – in the barroque church, where dukes used to get married, outside in the garden or at the chateau rooms.
Wedding reception
You can choose from these options
– half of the lower floor with the main terrace. There are totally 5 rooms, the main one ends at the terrace weith lovely view. Maximum capacity is 60 people at Theresie hall, but should you connect all rooms, up to 140 people can be accommodated.
– chateau orangerie, which is located close to the chateau terrace. Big hall with glass wall and wooden floor is perfect for bigger wedding receptions for up to 100 people.
– restaurant of the chateau hotel Maxmilian with the capacity up to 45 people. The maximum stay is 3 hours (untill 5.00 p.m.)
– chateau dining room at the 1st floor at the chateau. Capacity is 16 people only and reception can be there organised only at days when there are no chateau tours organised.
The Maxmilian Chateau Hotel offers both the magic of history and the charm of modernity. For those who indulge in nostalgia for the past there are rooms in the historic wing – situated in the former Estate Office dating back to in 1834, those with a taste for the modern will prefer a room in the extension that opened in 2007. It goes without saying that both wings provide guests with twenty-first century comforts. Nowadays hotel offers also congress hall, restaurant, swimming pool and sauna.
Total capacity at chateau Loucen is 126 beds.