• wedding ceremonies lasts around 30 min without holy mass or around 60 min with holy mass
• ceremonies are in English
• at least one of you must be baptised Roman-catholic
• available dates – any day, latest at 5.00 p.m.
• capacity of approx. 150 people
The interiors have preserved a number of baroque- and neo-classical style halls, including the notable Theresian Hall with its magnificent ceiling frescoes. Combined with the adjacent Abbey Refectory, Pompeii Room and Reception Room, it offers a wide selection of catering options.
In contrast to the baroque adornment of the grand building´s upper floor, the medieval gothic spaces on the ground floor are calming. A number of lounges can be found here, such as Sala Terrena or Benedictine Wine Bar. This can be the place where you can feel the spirit of ancient times during your social gathering or banquet.